Sunday, 12 October 2014

The Life of a 6 Year Old Gymnast by Alesha (Squirrel Class)

One day there was a little girl who lived with her Mum, Dad and two brothers.  One of her brothers did football and she went to gymnastics at the Leisure Centre.  She was really really good (or so her Mum says!).  She loved it so much so wanted to go to a professional gymnastics club.

She went to one recreational class, and the next day the Head Coach phoned her Mummy and said "would your little girl like to join our trials squad?"  The little girl shouted "YES" !

She was in this squad for one term, during this time she went on bar, beam, vault and floor.  She always does warm ups, lots of handstands, cartwheels, the splits and forward rolls.

Three months later she moved up into development squad 2, and then after only 5 weeks she moved up again into development 1.  Her first competition is approaching, she is nervous however, she is feeling more confident and even a little bit excited.

By joining a club she was also able to make lots of new friends.  You might even find friends from your school in your club.


  1. I used to be able to do a cartwheel...but not anymore!

    1. Reading this makes me want to put a leotard on and have a go myself! Well done Alesha.


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